Episode 21: Action Packed Like An Action Chair!

Singular panels of excitement! Giant Hawks! Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man! Doom facts! We are back with more Doom Patrol excitement - let's get patrollin'!

Our twenty-first episode begins with a discussion of the week that was in comics, before we take a rather excited look at the Doom Clock (8:25).

Then in this week's Doomsplaining (14:03), we take a look at issues 94 and 95 from volume 1, the Drake/Premiani series! We also share some interesting 'Doom Facts' about Arnold Drake, thanks to some knowledge contributed by regular listener, Reggie Hancock!

We close the show with the Mailbag-O-Doom (34:11), where we read listener responses to our Question of the Week: "Name a comic creator you feel is deserving of greater recognition?" 

Thanks for listening!

Original Broadcast Date: 4 Jun 2015